The show is basically a bunch of young, hipster artists competing to win a large sum of money by competing against eachother by creating works of art with the days given theme or common materials to work with. There is a time limit for each artist and they are given a variety of themes they need to use in their art. They sometimes are required to use a certain material as well.
The show is pretty lame in my opinion. The people who are all judging are super snotty and don't really seem to have a pulse on what's cool these days anyways. And how does anyone expect the artists to be inspired to create worth while peice when they are required to be competitive? I've always thought of artists as being easy going types who are able to create because they are relaxed enought to let the creative juices flow. To make matters worse for the artists, they have this guy come in mid project and give them advice on how to make their projects more "winnable". I think this guys just messes the artists up more, stressing them further. Another thing that irks me about this show is how the catty attitudes and drama are highlighted in the show more than the artists and their work. Of course, it is a show on Bravo and we all know that competition reality shows are what sell. Plus, this is a show that is monitored by the FCC and can't have to vulgar of content or else no one whould watch.
Even though I do not like the premise of the show, I still watch it if I come across it so I can see the cool works of art that are created. I usually end up liking the project that looses. Not sure what that says about my taste in art?
Did the artists' controversial works go too far? You be the judge!
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